Indonesian Labour Movement in Historical Perspective

A View from Below


  • Iqra Anugrah Northern Illinois University, USA


Book review

Christiansen, Samantha and Zachary A. Scarlett (eds) (2013).The Third World in the Global 1960s. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 223 pages.

Ingleson, John (2014). Workers, Unions and Politics: Indonesia in the 1920s and 1930s. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 352 pages.

Suryomenggolo, Jafar (2013). Organising under the Revolution: Unions and the State in Java, 1945-1948. Singapore, Kyoto: NUS Press and Kyoto University Press, 215 pages.

Author Biography

Iqra Anugrah, Northern Illinois University, USA

Iqra Anugrah is a PhD candidate in political science and Southeast Asian Studies at the Northern Illinois University, USA. He is a predoctoral fellow for the Transparency for Development Project in Indonesia at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation of Harvard Kennedy School for Fall 2015, and a visiting fellow at the Jakarta-based Institute for Economic and Social Research, Education, and Information
(LP3ES) for AY 2015-2016 and at the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre of the University of Sydney in March 2016. He is writing a dissertation on the politics of elite-peasant relations in post-authoritarian Indonesia. Email:




How to Cite

Anugrah, I. (2015) “Indonesian Labour Movement in Historical Perspective: A View from Below”, Asian Labour Review, 1(1), pp. 101–114. Available at: (Accessed: 23 January 2025).